All this to prove a point

I have a new book idea. Finally. The story runs continously through my head, and I love it. Finally, after two years, I can actually gather my head enough to let the inspiration flow once again. And you know what, it’s partly because of one comment she gave me. In a sarcastic, mean manner – albeit in a heated discussion, she said; «yeah, that will sell a lot…». This time, when I told her I had an idea for a novel, I refrained from telling her what it was about. I just gave her a few basic story lines from it, not mentioning the U-word. UAP. UFO.

Sekret Machines co-written by Tom DeLonge put me on it. I was originally planning more of a book of facts on the subject, but screw that. I have an opinion and a message to give, and that message will be given through fictional characters dealing with real events.

So, is this just to prove a point? To win an argument? To write a book in order to go on the offensive and prove her wrong? I guess so. Whatever heats up my inspirational juices you know. Because I am right, and she is wrong – and I can back it up with real facts. But, she don’t want to listen to facts. She rolls her eyes and looks like I just fell off a cliff or just came back from the circus. It pisses me off. Really pisses me off. She don’t want to know, she sticks her head in the sand and pretends I’m the weird one. The stories I could have told her. The world I could open up to her if she simply managed to pull herself together to listen to it. But, no. No chance. And so I will do this with a book. The hard part remains though. To write it all. I’ve done it before. Seven times to be exact.

I just have to find the time and structure myself. All this to prove a point. And you know what, it’s a lot of fun.

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