Bedtime for toddlers

They leave for her mother at five in the evening.

«Goodbye, have fun…»

I do some work outside, then I take a shower, watch TV and have a soft drink.

By seven in the evening I start to wonder where they are. My daughter is two years old, she needs to og to bed soon.

By seven thirty I open the app and check where the car is. It’s up in neighbourhood not far from us. I suspect they are picking up her daughter from her ex partner. And so I expect them home any minute. In time for bed and everything. Well planned then. I won’t be frustrated.

By eight, no car, no messages, no one.

I check the app again. My God, the car is back at her mothers.

I call her up.

«Hey, eh, where are you exactly?»

«At my moms.»

«Errr…she needs to go to bed soon?»

«What time is it?»




«We picked her (other daughter, 10 years old) up from her grandmother you see, and we started talking.»

«Okay, but she (the two year old) needs to go to bed and she’s not home.»

«Maybe you can come over?»


«Come over?»

«To pick her up?»



«Wait, I’ll give her some food, put her pyjamas on and call you back.»


Another half hour goes by. She calls me up again at eight thirty.

«We’re coming home now.»


At eight fourtyfive they show up. I immediately take the two year old to have her teeth brushed and to bed. She doesn’t fall asleep until 22:00. She always needs a lot of time to settle down. The ten year old doesn’t sleep until midnight.

I’m just left wondering why I’m the only one to understand that two year olds cant be up until ten in the evening.